Gagliano Giuseppe La dottrina della controinsurrezione in David Galula

Galula graduated from the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr in the number 126 promotion of 1939-1940. In 1941, he was expelled from the French officer corps, in accordance with the Statute on Jews of the Vichy State. After living as a civilian in North Africa, he joined the I Corps of the Army of the Liberation, and served during the liberation of France, receiving a wound during the invasion of Elba in June 1944.Galula departed for China in 1945 to work as an assistant military attaché at the French embassy in Beijing, where he witnessed the rise to power of the Chinese Communist Party. In April 1947, he was captured by Chinese Communists during a solo trip into the interior. Though fiercely anti-Communist, his captors treated him well and he eventually was released through the help of the Marshall mission. In 1948, he took part in the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans (UNSCOB) during the Greek Civil War. From 1952 to February 1956, he served as a military attaché at the French consulate in Hong Kong. He visited the Philippines, and studied the Indochina War without taking part in it. From August 1956 to April 1958, during the Algerian War, Galula, then a captain, led the 3rd Company of the 45th Bataillon d’Infanterie Coloniale. He distinguished himself by applying personal tactics in counterinsurgency to his sector of Kabylie, at Djebel Mimoun, near Tigzirt, effectively eliminating the nationalist insurgency in his sector and earning accelerated promotion from this point. In 1958, Galula was transferred to the Headquarters of National Defence in Paris. He gave a series of conferences abroad and attended the Armed Forces Staff College. Galula resigned his commission in 1962 to study in the United States, where he obtained a position of research associate at the Center for International Affairs of Harvard University.He died in 1967 of lung cancer.

Giuseppe Gagliano La riflessione strategica del Generale Jacques Hogard sulla controinsurrezione

Per la prima volta in Italia un breve saggio sui contributi di uno dei maggiori studiosi francesi sulla controinsurrezione.

Giovanni Caprara La teoria della guerra giusta


Gagliano Giuseppe Saggio su David Galula

Galula graduated from the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr in the number 126 promotion of 1939-1940. In 1941, he was expelled from the French officer corps, in accordance with the Statute on Jews of the Vichy State. After living as a civilian in North Africa, he joined the I Corps of the Army of the Liberation, and served during the liberation of France, receiving a wound during the invasion of Elba in June 1944.Galula departed for China in 1945 to work as an assistant military attaché at the French embassy in Beijing, where he witnessed the rise to power of the Chinese Communist Party. In April 1947, he was captured by Chinese Communists during a solo trip into the interior. Though fiercely anti-Communist, his captors treated him well and he eventually was released through the help of the Marshall mission. In 1948, he took part in the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans (UNSCOB) during the Greek Civil War. From 1952 to February 1956, he served as a military attaché at the French consulate in Hong Kong. He visited the Philippines, and studied the Indochina War without taking part in it. From August 1956 to April 1958, during the Algerian War, Galula, then a captain, led the 3rd Company of the 45th Bataillon d’Infanterie Coloniale. He distinguished himself by applying personal tactics in counterinsurgency to his sector of Kabylie, at Djebel Mimoun, near Tigzirt, effectively eliminating the nationalist insurgency in his sector and earning accelerated promotion from this point. In 1958, Galula was transferred to the Headquarters of National Defence in Paris. He gave a series of conferences abroad and attended the Armed Forces Staff College. Galula resigned his commission in 1962 to study in the United States, where he obtained a position of research associate at the Center for International Affairs of Harvard University.He died in 1967 of lung cancer.

Corrado Ocone Il liberalismo e la democrazia.Recensione del saggio La democrazia totalitaria

Si occupa di filosofia e teoria politica, con particolare attenzione al neoidealismo italiano e alla teoria del liberalismo. Liberale di stampo crociano, si riconosce nell’Italian Theory: crede che lo realismo politico (Machiavelli) e storicistico (Vico) possa ancora darci strumenti importanti per capire la realtà. Collabora con frequenza al supplemento culturale del Corriere della sera e a Il Mattino di Napoli. E’ autore di vari saggi e volumi: l’’ultimo è Liberali d’Italia, scritto con Dario Antiseri (Rubbettino, 2011). Ha curato anche un’antologia del liberalismo italiano con Nadia Urbinati: La libertà e i suoi limiti. Antologia del pensiero liberale da Filangieri a Bobbio (Laterza, 2006)

S.Weil Riflessioni sulla Germania totalitaria

Totalitarismo e politica di potenza


Giulia Corsini Guida tattica alla resistenza razionale.Contromisure per la disinformazione e l’ecoterrorismo,Maggio,2014

Giulia Corsini -consigliere di Pro Test Italia e membro della associazione Italia per la scienza- applica per la prima volta in Italia al contesto dell’animalismo la rilflessione sulla disinformazione dimostrando da un lato originalità interpretativa e dall’altro lato dimostrando come la conoscenza da parte della comunità scientifica delle tecniche di guerra psicologica sia indispensabile.Il presente saggio è stato possibile grazie al contributo di Pro test Italia,Federfauna e del Cestudec.


Il presente saggio è stato pubblicato dal Centre Français de Recherche sur le renseignement( Research Paper n°10 – April 2014)